of Yaochu Jin
Official Personal Webpage
Biosketch (中文简历)Professor Yaochu Jin is a Distinguished Chair, Professor in Computational Intelligence
and Head of the Nature Inspired Computing and Engineering (NICE) Group, Department
of Computer Science, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey, UK. He was a
"Finland Distinguished Professor" at University of Jyvaskyla,
Finland, "Changjiang Distinguished
Professor" at Northeastern University, China, and Visiting Professor at Donghua University, China. Recently Funded Projects (since 06/2010)
Research InterestsI am particularly interested in nature-inspired machine intelligence and real-world driven problem-solving. Related research topics include:
My science-driven research interests lie in interdisciplinary areas that bridge the gap between computational intelligence and machine learning, computational neuroscience, and computational biology. My current main topics include
Research Team |
Invited Keynote, "Analysis, Synthesis and
Applications of Gene Regulatory Network Models", 10th Workshop on Bioinformatics and 5th Symposium of the Polish
Bioinformatics Society, 25 篓C 27 May 2012, Gda么聬艩庐sk, Poland
Invited Keynote, "Surrogate-Assisted
Evolutionary Optimization: Past, Present and Future ", Learning and Intelligent
Optimization (LION) 6, Paris, Jan 16-20, 2012
Invited Keynote, "Morphogenetic
Self-Organization of Swarm Robotic Systems for Robust Boundary Coverage and
Target Tracking", The 7th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and
Security, December 3-4, 2011, Sanya, Hainan,
Invited Keynote, "Evolutionary developmental neurocomputing", DevLeaNN Workshop, October 27-28, 2011, Paris, France
Invited Keynote, "Computational Modeling,
Analysis and Synthesis of Gene Regulatory Networks", Computational Methods in Bioinformatics, October 19, 2011,
Salerno, Italy
Invited Keynote, "Morphogenetic
Self-Organization of Collective Systems", Organic Computing
Workshop, The 8th International Conference on Autonomic Computing
Karlsruhe, Germany, June 14-18, 2011
Plenary talk, "Morphogenetic robotics", World Congress on
Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing, December 15-17, 2010,
Kitakyushu, Japan,
Plenary talk, "Analysis and Synthesis of Gene
Regulatory Networks and Their Application to Morphogenetic Robotics", International Conference
on Computational Systems Biology and Bioinformatics, November 4-5, 2010,
Bangkok, Thailand
Invited plenary talk, "Multi-objective machine
learning", The 2010 International Workshop on Nature Inspired Computation and
Application , October 23-27, 2010, Hefei, China
Keynote talk, "A fitness-independent evolvability measure for evolutionary developmental
systems", 7th International Symposium on Networks in Bioinformatics,
April 22-23, 2010, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Semi-plenary talk, "Computational modeling of
gene regulatory networks: Analysis, synthesis and applications", 15th
International Conference on Neural Information Processing of the Asia-Pacific
Neural Network Assembly (ICONIP 2008), November 25-28, 2008, Auckland, New
Keynote talk, "Efficient evolutionary
algorithms for complex engineering design", Adaptive Computing in
Design and Manufacturing, April 29th-30th 2008, Bristol, UK
Keynote talk, "Pareto-optimality is everywhere:
From engineering design, machine learning to biological systems", Genetic
and Evolving Fuzzy Systems, 4 - 7 March, 2008, Witten-Bommerholz,
Plenary talk, "Pareto-based multi-objective
machine learning", Hybrid
Intelligent Systems, Sep. 17-19, 2007, Kaiserslautern, Germany
Invited talk, "Modelling activity-dependant neural plasticity in liquid state machines for
spatiotemporal pattern recognition", EvoDevoNet2012: Evolution
and Development of Networks, from Systems Biology to Computational Neuroscience,
23-24 November, 2012, Poznan, Polan
Invited talk, "A systems approach to
evolutionary optimisation of complex engineering
problems", Department of Mathematical Information Technology, University
of Jyvaskyla, Finland, 16 August 2012
Invited talk, "Morphogenetic self-organisation of collective systems", Social Robotics
Lab, National University of Singapore, 05.06.2012
Invited talk, "Modeling activity-dependent
neural plasticity in liquid state machines for spatiotemporal pattern
recognition", School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore, 03.06.2012
Invited talk, "Modelling Activity-Dependant Synaptic Plasticity in Spiking Neural Networks",
10th Workshop on Bioinformatics and 5th Symposium of the Polish Bioinformatics
Society 25-26 May 2012, Gdansk, Poland
Invited speech, Biology + Computing = ?? A Joint Meeting of the CSE:SEABIS Group and the ModAbs Group, Sponsored by SICSA, University of Stirling, UK, 21st May 2012
Invited talk, "Self-organization of neural
systems 篓C An evolutionary
and developmental perspective", School of Computing, Robert Gordon University,
24 February, 2012
Invited seminar, Department of Information Systems
and Computing, Brunel University, 22 February, 2012
Invited talk, "Morphogenetic robotics",
Robot Intelligence Technology (RIT) Laboratory, KAIST, 16 September 2011
Invited talk, "Morphogenetic robotics",
College of Engineering, Seoul National University, 15 September, 2011
Invited talk, "Morphogenetic robotics",
Forum Informatik, RWTH Aachen University, Germany,
January 16, 2012
Invited talk, "Surrogate-Assisted Evolutionary Computation:
Recent Advances and Future Challenges", Department of Computer Science,
Technical University of Dortmund, March 29, 2011
Invited talk, "Morphogenetic robotics:
Bio-inspired Self-organization of Robotic Systems", UoP
Computer Science Seminar, University of Portmouth,
March 11, 2011
Invited talk, "Dynamicalization
- Manipulated Changes of Constraints for Efficient Optimization of Constrained
Problems", Bridging
The Gap: Workshop 7, Dynamic Optimisation in an Uncertain World: Challenges and
State-of-the-Art , University of Birmingham, 24th February, 2011
Invited talk, "Morphogenetic robotics:
Bio-inspired Self-organization of Robotic Systems", University of Loughborough, February 18, 2011
Invited talk, "Self-organization of neural
systems - An evolutionary and developmental perspective", The Centre for
Computational Statistics and Machine Learning, University College London,
January 27, 2011
Invited talk, "Self-organization of neural
systems - An evolutionary and developmental perspective", Department of
Control Science and Engineering, Huazhong University
of Science and Technology, 31st December, 2010
Invited talk, "A systems approach to
multi-objective optimization of complex systems", Department of
Automation, Tsinghua University, 29th December, 2010
Invited talk, "Analysis, synthesis and
applications of gene regulatory networks models", School of Engineering,
Mathematics and Physical Sciences, University of Exeter, 10th November, 2010
Invited talk, "Surrogate-asssited
evolutionary computation - Recent advances and future challenges", School
of Computer Science, University of Science and Technology of China, October 25,
Invited talk, EU ICT FET Action Workshop on EVOBODY:
new Principles of Unbound Embodied Evolution. Sept. 23, 2010, Malta
Invited talk, "Morphogenetic self-organization
of collective systems", COST Action IC0806: Intelligent Monitoring,
Control and Security of Critical Infrastructure Systems, Second Action
Workshop, May 17-18, 2010, Budapest, Hungary
Invited talk, "Analysis and synthesis of gene regulatory networks and their
application to morphogenetic robotics", Laboratory for Systems Theory
and Automatic Control, Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg, January 26,
Invited talk, "Evolutionary multi-objective
optimization of expensive problems using surrogate ensembles", Special
Session on "Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimizationation"
organized by J. Branke, the 23rd European Conference on Operational Research,
July 6-8 2009, Bonn, Germany
Invited talk, "Analysis, synthesis and
applications of gene regulatory network", Colloquium, Faculty of Science,
University of Amsterdam, February 13, 2009
Invited talk, "Brain-body co-evolution toward
understanding major transitions in evolution of primitive nervous
systems", INNS-NNN
Symposia (New directions in Neural Networks) on Modelling the Brain and Nervous
Systems, 24-25 November 2008, Auckland, NZ
Invited talk, "Pareto analysis of evolutionary
and learning systems", The 2008 International Workshop on Nature Inspired Computation and
Applications, May 27-29,2008, Hefei, China
Invited talk (together with B. Sendhoff),
"Towards multi-objective system optimization", EMO 2007, March 8,
Matsushima, Japan
Invited talk, "Scalable model-based
multi-objective optimization", Dagstuhl
Seminar on Practical Approaches to Multi-objective Optimization, Dec.
13-17, 2006, Schloss Dagstuhl,
Wadern, Germany
Invited talk, "Modeling regularity in
multi-objective optimization", PPSN Workshop on Multi-Objective problem Solving from Nature,
Sep. 9, 2006, Reykjavik
Invited talk, "Multi-objective machine
learning", School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham, February
18, 2006
Invited talk, "Research on evolution and
learning at HRI-EU", Kanpur Genetic Algorithm Lab , Indian Institute of Technology,
Kanpur, India, July 6, 2005
Invited talk on "Hybrid representations for
evolutionary multi-objective optimization", Dagstuhl Seminar on Practical Approaches to Multi-objective
Optimization, Schloss Dagstuhl,
Germany, Nov. 8-12, 2004
Invited talk, "Aerodynamic optimization using
evolutionary algorithms", Track on EC in Industry, GECCO'04, Seattle, July 2004
Invited talk on "Ein
auf evolutionaerer Mehrzieloptimierung
basierender Ansatz zur Regularisierung neuronaler Netze" (A method
for neural network regularization based on evolutionary multi-objective
optimization), Fachbereich Informatik,
Lehrstuhl Systemanalyse
(Prof. Dr. Hans-Paul Schwefel), Technical University
of Dortmund, Germany, March 1, 2004
Invited talk on "Rethinking multi-objective
evolutionary algorithms", Dagstuhl Seminar on Theory of Evolutionary Algorithms, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, Feb.
15-20, 2004
Invited talk on "Dynamic weighted aggregation:
from multi-objective optimization to dynamic optimum tracking". AIFB, University of
Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany, Nov. 28, 2003
Invited talk on "Evolutionary multi-objective
optimization: Methods, analysis and applications". the Industrial
Engineering and Management Department, Yuan-Ze
University, Chung-Li, Taiwan, ROC, Nov. 4-10, 2002
o Invited Summer
School Course, "Evolutionary optimisation of
expensive problems." 22nd Jyvaskyla Summer School, University of
Jyvaskyla, Finland, 13-17 August 2012
o Tutorial,
"Evolutionary developmental neural computation", 2012 International
Joint Conference on Neural Networks, June 10, 2012, Brisbane, Australia
o Tutorial
(Invited), "A systems approach to evolutionary aerodynamic design
optimization", Learning and Intelligent OptimizatioN(LION 5), Jan 17-21, 2011,
Rome, Italy
o Tutorial on
"Morphogenetic Robotics: A New Emerging Field of Self-Organizing Robotic
Systems", 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation,
May 9-13, 2011, Shanghai, China (together with Y. Meng)
o Tutorial on
"Multi-objective machine learning", 2011 IEEE Symposium on
Computational Intelligence in Multi-Criterion Decision-Making, April 12-15,
2011, Paris, France
o Tutorial on
"Multi-objective machine learning", 2007 IEEE Symposium Series on
Computational Intelligence, April 1-5, 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
o Tutorial on
"Fitness approximation in evolutionary computation". GECCO'05,
Washington D. C., USA, July 25, 2005
o Tutorial on
"Evolutionary computation in dynamic and uncertain environments". CEC'04,
Portland, OR, June 2004
o Invited panelist,
WCCI'08 Industrial
Panel Discussion, June 1-6, 2008, Hong Kong
o Invited panelist,
panel discussion on "Evolutionary Multi-Objective
Optimization" organized by Prof. K. Deb and Prof. C. Coello, at the
WCCI'06, Vancouver, July 16-21, 2006
o Invited panelist,
plenary panel discussion on "Open Problems and Challenges in Natural
Computation and Knowledge Discovery" organized by Prof. Jacek Zurada, at
the ICNC'05 and FSKD'05, August 27-29, 2005, Changsha, China.
Special Session Chair, 2014 World Congress on
Computational Intelligence, July 6-11, 2014, Beijing, China
Co-Chair, Workshop on
"Evolutionary transitions of brain-body couplings", The 11th
International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior, Paris, France,
August 24-28, 2010
Co-Chair, Workshop
on "Bio-inspired self-organizing robotic systems", 2010 IEEE Int. Conference
on Robotics and Automation, Anchorage, May 3-8, 2010
Co-Chair, Special session on "Expensive
optimization problems", CEC 2010, Barcelona, July 18-23, 2010
Co-Chair, Special
session on "Evolutionary computation in dynamic and uncertain
environments", CEC 2010, Barcelona, July 18-23, 2010
Co-Chair, Special session on "Bio-inspired self-organizing multi-agent
systems", CEC 2010, Barcelona, July 18-23, 2010
Co-Chair, Special session on "Evolutionary
computation in dynamic and uncertain environments", CEC09, Trondheim,
Norway, 18-21 May, 2009
Organizer, Special session on "Evolving gene
regulatory networks", CEC'08, Hong Kong, June 1-6, 2008
Co-Chair, Special session on "Computational
systems biology", CEC'07, Singapore, Sep. 25-28, 2007
Co-Chair, Special Session on "EC in dynamic and
uncertain environments", CEC'07, Singapore, Sep. 25-28, 2007
Chair, Special Session on "Multi-Objective
Machine Learning", IJCNN'06/WCCI'06, Vancouver, July 16-21, 2006
Co-Chair, Special Session on "Evolutionary
Optimization in Dynamic and Uncertain Environments", CEC'06, Vancouver,
July 16-21, 2006
Co-Chair, The Second
European Workshop on Evolutionary Algorithms in Stochastic and Dynamic
Environments, March 30 - 1 April 2005, Lausanne, Switzerland
Co-Chair, Special Session on "Learning and
Approximation in Design Optimization", CEC'04, Portland, USA, June 20-23,
Co-Chair, The First European Workshop on
Evolutionary Computation for Stochastic and Dynamic Environments (EvoSTOC), Coimbra, April 2004
Co-Chair, Workshop
on Learning, Adaptation and Approximation in Evolutionary Computation
within GECCO-03, Chicago, July 2003
Co-Chair, Workshop
on Approximation and Learning in Evolutionary Computation within GECCO-02,
New York, July 2002
o Steering
Committee member
§ 2007 IEEE
Symposium on Multi-Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM), April 1-5, Honolulu,
Hawaii, USA
o Program Committee
1. PC member, IJCNN
PC member, PPSN 2012
PC member, CEC 2012
4. PC member, GECCO
PC member, EvoSTOC 2011
PC member, CEC 2011
7. PC member, GECCO 2011
8. PC member, IJCNN
9. TPC member, IJCNN
2010, Barcelona, Spain
PC member, GECCO 2010, Portland, USA
PC member, HIS 2010, Atlanta, USA
12. PC member, Int.
Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN), 2010, Shanghai, China
13. PC member, PPSN
2010, Poland
PC member, ICANN 2010, Greece
15. PC member, FOURTH
17 - 19 March 2010. Mieres, Asturias, Spain
16. PC
member, 8th International Conf. on
Development and Learning, June 5-7, 2009, Shanghai, China
PC member, IEEE GrC'09, August 17-19, 2009, Nanjing,
PC member, IJCNN 2009, June 14-19, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
TPC member, ICANN 2009, 14-17 September, Limassol, Cyprus
20. PC member, GECCO
2009, 8-12 July, 2009, Montreal, Canada
21. PC member, CEC 2009, 18-21 May, 2009,
Trondheim, Norway
22. PC member, EMO'09, April 7-10, 2009, Nantes,
23. PC member, CCE
2008, Nov. 11-14, 2008, Mexico City, Mexico
24. PC member, IBERAMIA 2008,
October 14 -17, 2008, Lisboa, Portugal
25. PC member, HIS
2008, Sept. 10-12th, 2008, Barcelona, Spain
26. PC member, Int. Conf. on Cognitive
Informatics, August 14-16, 2008, Stanford University, California, USA
27. PC member, PPSN 2008, Sept. 13-17, 2008, Dortmund, Germany
28. PC member, SMCia/08, June 25-27, 2008, Muroran,
29. PC member, GECCO
2008, Atlanta, USA
30. PC member, 3rd International Workshop on Genetic
and Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems, 4 - 7 March, 2008, Witten-Bommerholz, Germany
31. PC member, 2008
World Congress on Computational Intelligence, 1-6 June, 2008, Hong Kong
32. PC member, The First
Int. Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interaction, Feb. 10-15,
2008, St. Luce, Martinique
33. PC member, GrC'07, Nov. 2-4,
2007, Silicon Valley, USA
34. PC member, HIS'07, Sep. 17-19,
Kaiserslautern, Germany
35. PC member, GECCO
2007, July 7-11, 2007, London, UK
36. Reviewer, CEC 2007, Sep. 25-28, 2007,
37. Reviewer, FUZZ-IEEE 2007, London,
England, July 24-26, 2007
38. Reviewer, Int.
Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2007), August 12-17, 2007, Orlando,
39. PC member, SMCia '07, Passau,
Germany, August 1-3, 2007
40. IPC member, The
Third Int. Conf. on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, Haikou, China, Aug.
24-27, 2007
IPC member, The Fourth
International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization (EMO
2007), Matsushima, Japan, March 5-8, 2007
42. PC member,
SMCals'06, July 24-26, 2006, Logan, USA
43. PC member, ICARCV'06,
Dec. 5-8, Singapore
44. PC member, Parallel Problem Solving from
Nature (PPSN 2006), Reykjavik, Island, Sept. 9-13, 2006
45. PC member, Congress on Evolutionary
Computation (CEC 2006), Vancouver, Canada, July 16-21, 2006
46. PC member, Genetic and Evolutionary
Computation Conference (GECCO 2006), Seattle, USA, July 8-12, 2006
47. PC member, The 5rd IEEE
International Conference on Cognitive Informatics, Beijing, China, July
17-19, 2006
48. PC member, IEEE Cybernetics
and Intelligent Systems, Bangkok, Tailand, 7-9 June, 2006
49. PC member, The Sixth International
Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA2006), Jinan,
China, Oct. 16-18, 2006
50. PC member, The Third European Workshop
on Evolutionary Algorithms in Stochastic and Dynamic Environments, April
10-12, 2006, Budapest, Hungary
51. IPC member, IEEE Int. Conf. on Engineering
of Intelligent Systems, April 22-23, 2006, Islamabad, Pakistan
52. PC member, 2006 IEEE Conference on
Granular Computing, May 10-12, 2006, Atlanta, USA
53. IPC member, The 2nd Symposium on Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems ,
Sept. 7-9, 2006, Ambelside, UK
54. IPC member, SCIS & ISIS 200,
September 20-24, 2006, O-okayama Campus West Bldg. 9,
Tokyo Institute of Technology
55. PC member,
Simulated Evolution and Learning (SEAL'06), Oct. 15-18, 2006, Hefei, China
56. Editorial
25th - 27th, 2006, BRISTOL, UK
57. PC member, Fifth International
Conference on Hybrid Systems, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Nov.6-9, 2005
58. PC member, WSC10: 10th Online World
Conference on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications, September 19th -
October 7th, 2005
59. IPC member, International Conference on
Machine Intelligence,Tozeur, November 2005
60. PC member, CEC-2005, Edinburgh, UK,
September 2-5, 2005
61. PC member, The
9th IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft
Computing. Sept. 12-14, 2005. Benidorm, Spain
62. PC member, Intelligent Systems Design
and Applications(ISDA'05) , Sep. 8-10, 2005, Wroclaw, Poland
63. PC member, 2005 International Symposium
on Intelligent Control, June 27-29, 2005 Hawaii Grand Hotel & Resort,
Limassol, Cyprus
64. PC member, Genetic and Evolutionary
Computation Conference, June 25-29, 2005, Washington D.C.
65. PC member, The
IASTED International Conference on COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE, July 4-6, 2005,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
66. PC member, The 7th
IASTED International Conference on CONTROL AND APPLICATIONS, May 18-20,
2005, Cancun, Mexico
67. PC member, The First International
Workshop on Genetic Fuzzy Systems, Granada, Spain, March 17-19, 2005
68. PC member, The Third International
Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization (EMO 2005),
Guanajuato, Mexico, March 9-11, 2005
69. Program Review
Committee member, Foundations of
Genetic Algorithms (FOGA05), Jan. 5-9, 2005, Aizu, Fukushima, Japan
PC member, The 8th International
Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN VIII), Birmingham,
UK, on 18-22 September 2004.
TPC member, 2004 IEEE Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems ,
Singapore, December 1-3, 2004
72. TPC member, the 8th Online World
Conference on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications (WSC8), September
20 to October 8, 2004
73. PC member, The 3rd IEEE
International Conference on Cognitive Informatics August 16-17, 2004,
British Columbia, Canada
74. TPC member, IEEE Congress on Evolutionary
Computation 2004 (CEC'04), Portland, USA, June 20-23, 2004
75. PC Member, Genetic and
Evolutionary Computation Conference, Seattle, July 2004
76. IPC member, ISDA'04, Budapest,
August 26 - 28, 2004
77. IPC member, ICAIIP-2004, 脟anakkale, April 26-28,
78. IPC member, the 2004 IEEE
International Symposium on Intelligent Control, Taiwan, September 2-4, 2004
TPC Member, The Second International Conference on Computational Intelligence,
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Singapore, December 2003
80. IPC Member, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, and Session
Chair of "GA Operators", Chicago, July 2003
IPC member, Second
International Conference on Evolutionary Multicriterion Optimization, also
Session Chair of "Objective Handling", Faro, April 2003
82. IPC Member, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, New York, July
83. IPC Member, International
Conference on Artificial and Computational Intelligence, Tokyo, August 2002
I am / have (co)-supervising / (co)-supervised several students
at Ph.D., Master and undergraduate levels.
update May 2014. Please direct all inquires to Yaochu